
Requirements Engineering

  • Pohl, K., & Rupp, C. (2009). Basiswissen requirements engineering: Aus- und Weiterbildung zum Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering ; Foundation-Level nach IREB-Standard (1. Aufl. ed.). Heidelberg: Dpunkt-Verl.
  • IEEE recommended practice for software requirements specifications. (1998). New York, NY: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.


  • Freeman, E. (2004). Head First design patterns. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly.
  • Starke, G. (2011). Effektive Softwarearchitekturen: Ein praktischer Leitfaden (5., überarb. Aufl. ed.). München: Hanser.
  • Martin, R. (2009). Clean code: A handbook of agile software craftsmanship. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


  • S, B. (2012). Fundamentals of software testing. Hoboken, NJ: ISTE/Wiley.


  • Wynne, M., & Y, A. (2012). The cucumber book: Behaviour-driven development for testers and developers. Dallas, Tex.: Pragmatic Bookshelf.